Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Today's weaves

So I've come up with a plan on weave negatives and positives. We are working on both ends of the weaves here, entries and popping out.

1) No collection into the poles= lie down
2) Misses first pole and starts at 2nd= finish weaves with no encouragement & no reward
3) Entry good= "Yes! Go, go, go" to the end
4) Popping out of poles= lie down
5) No collection into pole 2 but continues at 3= no encourageent/reward
6) Perfect poles= "Yes, go, go, go" and big rewards at the end

I had a friend mention this and she may be onto something here, it makes sense that if Venus misses the entry etc, that if I pull her out of the poles it can increase our popping out issue. I also thing it makes her weave less independent and sh checks with me too often to make sure she is right. We will see if this seems to make a difference.

I finally got enough speed today to see the not collecting issue. It took until the 4th try for her to finally collect. We cross a big flat open field to get to the agility course. I left her in that field about 20 feet out from a jump. I called her over the jump and to the weaves and she had lots of speed. We'll try that again tomorrow.

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