Thursday, September 18, 2008

Todays practice

I took Venus out today to work on contactsd and motivation. It was a wonderful training session! I took a target for Venus and worked a little on driving to the target. I kept food on the contact the whole time so it was all her rewarding herself. I wasn't worried about her rewarding something bad because if she jumped off too high she would land past the food and I could get it then before she could. She thought that was a fun game. I put it at the end of the a-frame and got beautiful contacts from her. She was doing a 2o2o most of the time and driving to it rather than trotting down to it. Then I tried the dog walk. First time was a little slow but then she started running quickly up and across and only a little slow down on the down side.
I then decided to try it with the weaves. The first time was about her normal speed but the 2nd time she flew through the weaves to get to it. We even started back away from the weave poles and she drove to them, hit the entry, and blasted through them all. Yay Venus!

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